Create deep copies (clones) of your objects
翻译 - 创建对象的深层副本(克隆)
Recursively (deep) clone JavaScript native types, like Object, Array, RegExp, Date as well as primitives. Used by superstruct, merge-deep, and many others!
Fast object cloner for .NET
This gem gives every ActiveRecord::Base object the possibility to do a deep clone that includes user specified associations.
deep clone java objects
Really Fast Deep Clone
Disk and partition backup/restore tool.
FastDeepCloner, This is a C# based .NET cross platform library that is used to deep clone objects, whether they are serializable or not. It intends to be much faster than the normal binary serializati...
Deep Learning 中文翻译
#计算机科学#《MIT Deep Learning》PDF格式
A tiny (281B) and fast utility to "deep clone" Objects, Arrays, Dates, RegExps, and more!
翻译 - 一个微型的(281B)快速实用程序,用于“深度克隆”对象,数组,日期,RegExps等!
《Grokking Deep Learning》-《图解深度学习》
#效率工具集合#bat 是类似 cat(1)的命令行工具,带有语法高亮、git 集成、自动分页
Open source video sharing website script, clone, Youtube clone, dailymotion clone. PHP.
HackerNews clone with Vue.js
翻译 - 用Vue.js克隆HackerNews
Pure Python Vim clone.
翻译 - 纯Python Vim克隆。
Open source btsync clone
翻译 - 开源btsync克隆
Clone to try a simple Electron app
翻译 - 克隆以尝试简单的Electron应用程序
Notion clone
vvvv "clone" in javascript/webgl
Tinder clone - React Native.