Rails authentication with email & password.
翻译 - 使用电子邮件和密码进行Rails身份验证。
Purpose To make a cloudflare v2 challenge pass successfully, Can be use cf_clearance bypassed by cloudflare, However, with the cf_clearance, make sure you use the same IP and UA as when you got it.
This library was created for testing and training purposes to retrieve the page source of websites, create Cloudflare Turnstile tokens and create Cloudflare WAF sessions.
A simple program for scraping Cloudflare clearance (cf_clearance) cookies from websites issuing Cloudflare challenges to visitors
A minimalist fish shell theme for people who use git
Translations for clearance
Get the "cf_clearance" cookie from any website
Cloudflare __cf_bm cookie ( currently called cf_clearance ) bypass
Simple, instant HTTP Basic Authentication for applications using Clearance
这是一个海关清关(进口商品)程序,用来服务跨境电商(暂时只对接了有赞),对接快递服务商(申通/韵达)以及海关的公服平台(成都), 实现货品的清关发送。 使用场景是: 1. 连接有赞跨境电商商户,拉取商户订单; 2. 连接申通/韵达快递国际接口,能够自动生成快递单号; 3. 连接成都海关公服平台,推送订单、支付单、运单、清关单,实现跨境货品清关。
C#课程设计 扫雷游戏