Plugins to clang-analyzer and clang-frontend
Vim plugin that use clang for completing C/C++ code.
Clang completion plugin for vim
A collection of clang plugins for safer C programming
Playing with Clang plugin system
SublimeLinter plugin for C/C++, using clang
A collection of out-of-tree Clang plugins for teaching and learning
Jenkins plugin which enables static analysis of XCode projects using Clang scan-build
A simple example of defining custom plugins for clang and the clang static analyzer.
Vim plugin for clang-format, a formatter for C, C++, Obj-C, Java, JavaScript, and so on.
A plugin for Clang compiler
emscripten clang
Apple Clang Loader
clang running in browser (wasm)
Xcode plug-in to to use clang-format from in Xcode and consistently format your code with Clang
Clang with JIT extensions
CodeChecker is an analyzer tooling, defect database and viewer extension for static and dynamic analyzer tools.
翻译 - CodeChecker是Clang Static Analyzer和Clang Tidy的分析器工具,缺陷数据库和查看器扩展
Clang build analysis tool using -ftime-trace
翻译 - 使用-ftime-trace的Clang构建分析工具
Clang bindings for .NET written in C#
An LLVM/Clang/LLD based mingw-w64 toolchain