#数据仓库#Source code for the CERN Open Data portal
CMSSW是CMS实验的物理分析软件。CMS实验数据是由目前世界上能量最高的强子对撞机LHC(large hadron collider)对撞产生,并由CMS探测器(compact muon solenoid,紧凑型缪子螺线管探测器)探测采集的。CMS实验数据是用于寻找Higgs粒子或者超出标准模型的其他新粒子,探清自然界的电弱破缺机制,以及寻找暗物质。除了对撞机产生的真实数据,CMS实验还会通过模拟软件来产生一定比例的模拟数据配合真实数据的研究。
Lightweight IPv6 hosts! Access to Google, YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia via IPv6 and avoid unnecessary block.
API documentation for Cerner's implementation of the HL7® FHIR® standard
O2 software project for the ALICE experiment at CERN
Indico - A feature-rich event management system, made @ CERN, the place where the Web was born.
翻译 - Indico-功能丰富的事件管理系统,由@ CERN(网络诞生的地方)制成。
Cerner's Splunk Cookbook
Introduction to root_numpy, pandas, Keras in simple Deep Learning application at CERN
Ruby binding of ROOT (CERN)
C++ Course Taught at CERN, from Sebastien Ponce (LHCb)
CERN CMG Tools repository. Installation instructions available on the twiki:
Web application/technology detection tool
CERN Phone Desktop client. Multiplatform phone application compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac.
Ccollection of Linux loadable kernel modules aimed to logs any user action
Tutorials, links, and helpful tools to get started at CERN and in ATLAS
Text-based histograms in Common Lisp inspired by the venerable HBOOK histogramming library from CERN.
A classification problem on a big physical dataset simulated by the ATLAS experiment from CERN - @ EPFL