Non-official implement of Paper:CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module
CBAM implementation on Keras
CBAM implementation on TensowFlow
Official PyTorch code for "BAM: Bottleneck Attention Module (BMVC2018)" and "CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module (ECCV2018)"
CBAM implementation on TensorFlow Slim
Unofficial implementation of Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM)
More readable and flexible yolov5 with more backbone(gcn, resnet, shufflenet, moblienet, efficientnet, hrnet, swin-transformer, etc) and (cbam,dcn and so on), and tensorrt
YOLOv5 Series Multi-backbone(TPH-YOLOv5, Ghostnet, ShuffleNetv2, Mobilenetv3Small, EfficientNetLite, PP-LCNet, SwinTransformer YOLO), Module(CBAM, DCN), Pruning (EagleEye, Network Slimming), Quantizat...
Implementation of Resnet-50 with and without CBAM in PyTorch v1.8. Implementation tested on Intel Image Classification dataset from
Classification with backbone Resnet and attentions: SE-Channel Attention, BAM - (Spatial Attention, Channel Attention, Joint Attention), CBAM - (Spatial Attention, Channel Attention, Joint Attention)
This repo holds the implementation the paper 'Forecasting gold price using a novel hybrid model with ICEEMDAN and LSTM-CNN-CBAM', by Yanhui Liang, Yu Lin, and Qin Lu.
基于Flask搭建的的含有多种CNN卷积神经网络细胞形态学识别API接口(CBAM-Xception,Alexnet 细胞形态学检验识别)