An axiom-free formalization of category theory in Coq for personal study and practical work
List of papers studying machine learning through the lens of category theory
Bartosz Milewski's 'Category Theory for Programmers' unofficial PDF and LaTeX source
翻译 - Bartosz Milewski的“程序员分类理论”非官方PDF和LaTeX来源
Category theory in the context of (functional) programming
Resources for learning Category Theory for an enthusiast
e-book version of Bartosz Milewski's Category Theory for Programmers
[번역] 프로그래머를 위한 카테고리 이론 (Category Theory for Programmers)
A book about category theory
翻译 - 一本关于范畴论的书
List of resources for learning Category Theory
A ReasonML/Ocaml library for category theory and abstract algebra
Abstractions from Category theory with simple description & implementation, links to further resources.
Swift sample code for Bartosz Milewski's book "Category Theory for Programmers"
A Julia package for large-scale tensor computations, with a hint of category theory
Profunctor optics in Scala, arrows, modular approach to abstractions in category theory
This repo contains all c++ / haskell samples from Bartosz Milewski's book (Category Theory for Programmers) converted to csharp and fsharp
翻译 - 此仓库包含Bartosz Milewski的书(《程序员分类理论》)中的所有c ++ / haskell示例,这些示例已转换为csharp和fsharp
UIScrollView ∞ scroll category
Programming Language Theory λΠ
翻译 - λΠ编程语言理论
Graph theory visualizations