A build system for Dart written in Dart
[mirror] Go's continuous build and release infrastructure (no stability promises)
翻译 - [镜像]持续构建和发布基础架构
Better build and test infra for Node.
A Kubernetes-native Build resource.
A simple, correct Python build frontend
Shipwright - a framework for building container images on Kubernetes
一个跨平台的C语言库, Build once run anywhere
Builds PHP so that multiple versions can be used side by side.
Improved build system generator for CPython C, C++, Cython and Fortran extensions
a small build system with a focus on speed
翻译 - 专注于速度的小型构建系统
LangChain 是一个用于构建基于LLM应用(大型语言模型)的Python库。
Appwrite是一个基于Docker的端到端开发者平台,其容器化的微服务库可应用于网页端,移动端,以及后端。Appwrite 通过视觉化界面简化了从零开始编写 API 的繁琐过程,在保证软件安全的前提下为开发者创造了一个高效的开发环境
A short tutorial about building Linux based operating systems.
Build Container Images In Kubernetes
翻译 - 在Kubernetes中构建容器映像
another build tool for container images (archived, see https://github.com/rkt/rkt/issues/4024)
Orchestrate end-to-end encryption, cryptographic identities, mutual authentication, and authorization policies between distributed applications – at massive scale.