Scan documents directly from scanners into images (JPEG, PDF, PNG and TIFF) on web pages through HTML5/JavaScript in browsers Chrome, Firefox, IE, Microsoft Edge and Opera
Browser Extension Analysis Framework - Scan, Analyze Chrome, firefox and Brave extensions for vulnerabilities and intels
This application can scan any document via scanner from web browser.
ScannerJS repo for NPM and bower
Rainmap Lite - Responsive web based interface that allows users to launch Nmap scans from their mobiles/tablets/web browsers!
A passive scanning tool for finding expired domain vulnerabilities while you browse.
A Ruby script that scans all swift code from the specified folders and files and automatically generates an entity diagram (similar to a class diagram) which can be viewed in a browser.
browser extension for scanning with MetaDefender
Knock Subdomain Scan
Docker containers vulnerability scan
fast scan for redtools
Scan SSH ciphers
ROS Laser scan tools
phpipam scan agent
Vulnerability Scan with Nuclei
Mass scan IPs for vulnerable services
翻译 - 批量扫描IP以获取易受攻击的服务
BeEF 全称 The Browser Exploitation Framework,是一款针对浏览器的渗透测试工具。
LiDAR SLAM: Scan Context + LeGO-LOAM
翻译 - LiDAR SLAM:扫描上下文+乐高玩具
API 文档浏览器。聚合了众多语言和框架,如HTML、CSS、G、JavaScript、Nginx、Git等
#自动化#PhantomJS 是一个可用JavaScript实现自动化的 headless 浏览器
Scan network ips and ports.
The C(canonical) Scan Matcher