Brave 浏览器是一款快速、私密且安全的网络浏览器,适用于 PC、Mac 和移动设备。立即下载即可享受更快的无广告浏览体验,并通过阻止跟踪软件来节省数据和电池寿命
[DEPRECATED] Please see for the current version of Brave
翻译 - [已弃用]有关当前版本的《勇敢传说》,请参阅
Brave iOS Browser
Core engine for the Brave browser for mobile and desktop. For issues
翻译 - 适用于macOS,Windows,Linux和最终Android的Brave浏览器的核心引擎。有关问题日志,请参阅
Brave Link Bubble Browser
🚀 Brave web browser portable for Windows
Download images from the web more easily. A browser extension for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Brave.
Browser Extension Analysis Framework - Scan, Analyze Chrome, firefox and Brave extensions for vulnerabilities and intels
🔍 Search browser tabs from Chrome, Arc, Brave, Safari, etc..
Brave iOS Browser
翻译 - 勇敢的iOS浏览器
List of reusable React components to empower your brave UI
Brave sync server v2
Unlimited private video calls with your friends and colleagues
Maintains adblock lists that Brave uses
🙋 핵심을 질문하다. 그리고 용감하게 대답하다. 국내 IT기업부터 실리콘밸리까지 "현직자가 해설해주는 기술면접"
Publisher interface for Brave Payments
翻译 - 勇敢付款的发布者界面
Bridge between OpenTracing and Brave
Java distributed tracing implementation compatible with Zipkin backend services.
翻译 - 与Zipkin后端服务兼容的Java分布式跟踪实现。
🖥️ Web Extension starter kit built with React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Storybook, Jest, EsLint, Prettier, and Webpack. Supports Google Chrome + Mozilla Firefox + Brave Browser + Micro...
翻译 - :desktop_computer:Chrome扩展程序入门套件,使用React,TypeScript,SCSS,Storybook,Jest,EsLint,Prettier,Webpack和Bootstrap构建