Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf sandbox
翻译 - Linux名称空间和seccomp-bpf沙箱
Scaffolding for BPF application development with libbpf and BPF CO-RE
BCC - 基于 BPF 的 Linux IO 分析、网络、监控等工具
eBPF Developer Tutorial: Learning eBPF Step by Step with Examples
Go bindings for creating BPF programs.
翻译 - 用于创建 BPF 程序的 Go 绑定。
BPF Tools - packet analyst toolkit
bpftop provides a dynamic real-time view of running eBPF programs. It displays the average runtime, events per second, and estimated total CPU % for each program.
Minimal Solana BPF program template
learn how to use BPF/eBPF
A Toolchain to make Build and Run eBPF programs easier
Official repository for the BPF Performance Tools book
翻译 - BPF Performance Tools手册的官方资料库
Monitor network traffic per executable using BPF
BPF Processor for IDA Python
WebAssembly library, toolchain and runtime for eBPF programs
A lightweight process isolation tool that utilizes Linux namespaces, cgroups, rlimits and seccomp-bpf syscall filters, leveraging the Kafel BPF language for enhanced security.
翻译 - 轻量级进程隔离工具,利用Linux名称空间和seccomp-bpf syscall过滤器(借助kafel bpf语言)