Hide screen when boss is approaching.
翻译 - 老板接近时隐藏屏幕。
The Bosque programming language is an experiment in regularized design for a machine assisted rapid and reliable software development lifecycle.
翻译 - Bosque编程语言是一种针对计算机辅助的快速可靠的软件开发生命周期进行规范化设计的实验。
Cloud Foundry BOSH is an open source tool chain for release engineering, deployment and lifecycle management of large scale distributed services.
翻译 - Cloud Foundry BOSH是一个开源工具链,用于大规模分布式服务的发布工程,部署和生命周期管理。
The Belfry OpenScad Library, v2.0. An OpenSCAD library of shapes, masks, and manipulators to make working with OpenSCAD easier. BETA
Parallel ML System - Bosen project
翻译 - 并行ML系统-Bosen项目
Erlang web MVC, now featuring Comet
Captions for my video courses
Use these with Wes Bos' Theme
Hexabitz Bitz Operating System (BOS) Submodule
My notes after reading 'Modern Operating Systems' book by Andrew Tanenbaum and Herbert Bos.
A port of the Book of Shaders to TouchDesigner
A colour palette for iTerm based off Wes Bos' Cobalt2 https://github.com/wesbos/cobalt2
This is a JavaScript practice with JavaScript30 by Wes Bos without any frameworks, no compilers, no boilerplate, and no libraries.
BoS Thesis work on State of Charge Estimation of a Battery Pack using an Extended Kalman Filter, in a Real-Time Embedded Linux Environment
ASP.NET Core对象储存扩展包,支持Minio自建对象储存、阿里云OSS、腾讯云COS、七牛云Kodo、华为云OBS、百度云BOS、天翼云OOS经典版。
JavaScirpt30 是 Wes Bos 推出的一个 30 天挑战。项目免费提供了 30 个视频教程、30 个挑战的起始文档和 30 个挑战解决方案源代码。目的是帮助人们用纯 JavaScript 来写东西,不借助框架和库,也不使用编译器和引用。
一行代码将文件存储到 本地、FTP、SFTP、WebDAV、谷歌云存储、阿里云OSS、华为云OBS、七牛云Kodo、腾讯云COS、百度云 BOS、又拍云USS、MinIO、 AWS S3、FastDFS、 Azure Blob Storage、金山云 KS3、美团云 MSS、京东云 OSS、天翼云 OOS、移动云 EOS、沃云 OSS、 网易数帆 NOS、Ucloud US3、青云 QingSto...