Modularly import plugin for babel.
Custom module resolver plugin for Babel
📘 A guided handbook on how to use Babel and how to create plugins for Babel.
翻译 - :blue_book:关于如何使用Babel以及如何为Babel创建插件的指导手册。
🎣 Allows you to build simple compile-time libraries
JSX for Vue 3
Modular Lodash builds without the hassle.
Transforms styleName to className using compile time CSS module resolution.
Improve the debugging experience and add server-side rendering support to styled-components
babel plugin for vue 2.0 jsx
Gulp plugin for Babel
Grunt plugin for Babel
the most goated babel plugin
A webpack loader / babel-plugin / babel-plugin-macros / CLI / generated file manager of GraphQL code generator.
A plugin for Babel 6 that (mostly) replicates the old decorator behavior from Babel 5
Babel 是一个JavaScript编译器、转译器,常用来使用最新的 JavaScript 语言特性。
PSA: moved into babel/babel as @babel/parser -->
Babel plugin to cherry-pick ES module imports.
Babel plugin to emit decorator metadata like typescript compiler
A babel plugin that adds istanbul instrumentation to ES6 code
A babel plugin to use PrismJS with standard bundlers.
This package has moved and is now available at @rollup/plugin-babel /
Compile GraphQL AST at build-time with babel-plugin-macros.
babel 6 plugin which allows to use webpack resolve options
Transpile ES2017 async/await to vanilla ES6 Promise chains: a Babel plugin
A babel plugin that optimizes and inlines SVGs for your React Components.