Self-hosted audiobook and podcast server
Player for your DRM-free audiobooks
Minimalistic audiobook player
Mobile application for Audiobookshelf
Plex metadata scraper for Audiobooks
Audiobook Manager for Audible Users
翻译 - 开源音频管理器
A toolkit for ebooks, audiobooks and comics written in Swift
A toolkit for ebooks, audiobooks and comics written in Kotlin
EPUB to audiobook converter, optimized for Audiobookshelf
Audiobook CLI downloader
Portable MP3 Player for Music and Audiobooks
Native Audiobookshelf player for iOS & iPadOS
GUI and command-line utility for converting audiobooks to m4b format
Self hosted media tracker for movies, tv shows, video games, books and audiobooks
Play your audiobooks from Audiobookshelf on your Sonos speakers
❄️🔥Song of Ice and Fire books and audiobooks