RubberDucky like payloads for DigiSpark Attiny85
翻译 - RubberDucky 喜欢 DigiSpark Attiny85 的有效载荷
Exploitation Framework for ATtiny85 Based HID Attacks
Use attiny85 to achieve surface dial function
ESP8266 + Attiny85 + DHT22 Temperature/Humidity Logger
USB Rubber Ducky for ATTiny85
ATTiny85 Pulse Oximeter with Photoplethysmogram (PPG) display
Digispark ATtiny85 USB key "rubber ducky" clone
翻译 - Digispark ATtiny85 USB密钥“橡皮鸭”克隆
ATtiny85 Watch Core
for attiny85
BadUSB cable project
1-Wire protocol library for ATTiny85 microcontroller
Fast Graphics Library for Attiny85 and SSD1306 over I2c
Single-Cell Li-Ion Battery Charger with Monitoring
Script for Digispark Attiny85, ATMEGA32U4 to steal passwords, cookies and send to your mail
Source code for the Xbox One Arduino/ATtiny85 Rapid Fire Mod
Library for an ATTiny85 to use an SSD1306 powered, double buffered, 128x32 pixel OLED, over I2C
A set of various projects based on ESP8266, ESP32, ATtiny13, ATtiny85, ATtiny2313, ATmega8, ATmega328, ATmega32, STM32 and more.
Fast audio frequency detector without fft for plain Arduino and Attiny85. Whistle switch example included.