RubberDucky like payloads for DigiSpark Attiny85
翻译 - RubberDucky 喜欢 DigiSpark Attiny85 的有效载荷
Arduino core for ATtiny 1634, 828, x313, x4, x41, x5, x61, x7 and x8
翻译 - 适用于ATtiny 1634、828,x313,x4,x41,x5,x61,x7和x8的Arduino内核
ATTiny usb bootloader with a strong emphasis on bootloader compactness.
翻译 - ATTiny USB引导加载程序,特别强调引导加载程序的紧凑性。
ATTiny Core for Arduino 1.0+
Uninterruptible Power Supply
A Streamlined IDE for Coding and Programming the ATtiny10 and other ATTiny Devices
Various games for the #Attiny Arcade and similar platforms
I²C OLED on an ATtiny10/13/202
For programming the ATtiny10/9/5/4.
Composite Master and Slave I2C library for Atmels ATTiny microcontrollers
mma7260 pcb using a attiny for i2c/twi
Vibration-based, free-mounted z-probe sensor with micron accuracy for 3d printers
Battery powered door and window sensor with ultra low standby power. Arduino, ESP-12, Reed switch, ATtiny, LDO