some attention implements
翻译 - 一些注意工具
Fast and memory-efficient exact attention
Scene text recognition
翻译 - 场景文字识别
Keras Attention Layer (Luong and Bahdanau scores).
#自然语言处理#A PyTorch implementation of the Transformer model in "Attention is All You Need".
翻译 - “注意就是您所需要的一切”中Transformer模型的PyTorch实现。
#Awesome#An ultimately comprehensive paper list of Vision Transformer/Attention, including papers, codes, and related websites
Implementation of Attention-based Deep Multiple Instance Learning in PyTorch
使用 attention 实现 nlp 和 cv 相关模型。
Official PyTorch code for "BAM: Bottleneck Attention Module (BMVC2018)" and "CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module (ECCV2018)"
All about attention in neural networks. Soft attention, attention maps, local and global attention and multi-head attention.
Classification with backbone Resnet and attentions: SE-Channel Attention, BAM - (Spatial Attention, Channel Attention, Joint Attention), CBAM - (Spatial Attention, Channel Attention, Joint Attention)
Ring attention implementation with flash attention
#计算机科学#ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks
翻译 - ResNeSt:注意力分散网络
Pytorch implementation of U-Net, R2U-Net, Attention U-Net, and Attention R2U-Net.
[CVPR 2023] Neighborhood Attention Transformer and [arXiv] Dilated Neighborhood Attention Transformer repository.
This repository contain various types of attention mechanism like Bahdanau , Soft attention , Additive Attention , Hierarchical Attention etc in Pytorch, Tensorflow, Keras
Visual Attention based OCR
External Attention Network
Code for paper "Attention on Attention for Image Captioning". ICCV 2019
list of efficient attention modules
翻译 - 有效关注模块列表
cnn+rnn+attention: vgg(vgg16,vgg19)+rnn(LSTM, GRU)+attention, resnet(resnet_v2_50,resnet_v2_101,resnet_v2_152)+rnnrnn(LSTM, GRU)+attention, inception_v4+rnn(LSTM, GRU)+attention, inception_resnet_v2+r...
Dual Attention Network for Scene Segmentation (CVPR2019)