Aspx reverse shell
Implementation of git-http-backend for IIS7/ASP.NET
AspxCommerce is an open source ecommerce solution that offers rich features to build attractive, secure and fully functional online stores in minutes. Built over the rigorous foundation of SageFrame, ...
A tool to make socks connections through HTTP agents
Aspx files (aspx, ascx, etc.) parser.
C# Proxy html2canvas (aspx)
蚁剑AES加密通信ASPX Webshell
在目标主机上执行php、asp、aspx 插件
Matt Stall's C# compiler in C#
Shell Detector – is a application that helps you find and identify php/cgi(perl)/asp/aspx shells. Shell Detector has a “web shells” signature database that helps to identify “web shell” up to 99%.
Web Shell Detector – is a php script that helps you find and identify php/cgi(perl)/asp/aspx shells. Web Shell Detector has a “web shells” signature database that helps to identify “web shell” up to 9...
新版将不再对外公开发布。天蝎权限管理工具采用Java平台的JavaFX技术开发的桌面客户端,支持跨平台运行,目前基于JDK1.8开发,运行必须安装JDK或JRE 1.8,注意不能是open jdk,只能是oracle的jdk。 天蝎权限管理工具基于冰蝎加密流量进行WebShell通信管理的原理,目前实现了jsp、aspx、php、asp端的常用操作功能,在原基础上,优化了大文件上传下载、Socke...
智能排课系统,目的是为减轻计算机学院实验室排课负担。 管理员登录后设置实验室数量,和设定实验室开放的时间。 分发各账号给老师,老师登录后可以按自己的意愿,具体到某个时间使用哪个实验室, 当然也可以选择单双周,总课时进行快速设置。 使用C#后台开发,webservice服务后台 。 UI层,使用 BootStrap美化界面,Html5和aspx 页面混合开发 ,参考书籍为 JavaScript高...