Arduino core for the ESP32。ESP32:是一系列低成本,低功耗的单片机微控制器,集成了Wi-Fi和双模蓝牙
The library source for the ESP32 BLE support for Arduino.
Arduino library for Heltec ESP32 (or ESP32+LoRa) based boards
Arduino plugin for uploading files to ESP32 file system
Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
An Arduino CAN-Bus library for ESP32
WireGuard implementation for ESP32 Arduino
OV2640 camera on ESP32-CAM, Arduino library
Arduino sketches for the ESP32
TB6612FNG for ESP32 Arduino
Codec2 library for ESP32 (Arduino)
OpenAI Library for ESP32 Arduino
ESP32 PSRAM HIMEM ( above 4MB ) support for Arduino-ESP32
Alternative ESP32 Webserver implementation for the ESP32 Arduino Core, supporting HTTPS and HTTP.
A makefile for ESP8266 and ESP32 Arduino projects
Панель управления для esp8266, esp32 и других Arduino. Конструктор интерфейса. Интеграция в умный дом. Esp8266, esp32 and Arduino dashboard library
ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino, ESP8266 and ESP32
AES wrapper for ESP8266/ESP32/Arduino/nRF5x