A music streaming service built from the ground up using React & Redux
Now playing controller from Apple Music, Mail & Podcasts Apple's apps.
翻译 - 现在可以从Apple Music,Mail&Podcasts Apple的应用程序中播放控制器。
Apple Music ALAC Downloader
Web player for Apple Music
翻译 - Apple Music的网络播放器
微信小程序,仿Apple Music
Web player for Apple Music (using MusicKit JS)
翻译 - Apple Music的网络播放器(使用MusicKit JS)
Apple Music Electron is now deprecated. See our new project Cider https://github.com/ciderapp/Cider
SpriteKit Floating Bubble Picker (inspired by Apple Music) 🧲
Apple Music modal style
迁移你的网易云歌单到 Apple Music, Youtube or Spotify. Easily transfer your Netease music playlist to Apple Music, Youtube or Spotify
🎧 Apple Music / Tidal Audio Player for Flutter
A library to recreate the iOS Apple Music now playing transition
Custom UIPresentationController which mimics the behavior of Apple Music UI
翻译 - 自定义UIPresentationController,它模仿Apple Music UI的行为
The Missing Apple Music SDK. Written in Swift.
Discord Rich Presence for Apple Music w/ Album Artwork!
Automated Apple Music Lossless Sample Rate Switching for Audio Devices on Macs.
Time-synced lyrics on iOS Lock Screen. Made for Apple Music.