Android 免root 防撤回神器 !
Anti-Recall/Anti-Delete for Telegram, WeChat, and QQ(针对Telegram, QQ和微信的防撤回)
LiteLoaderQQNT 插件 - QQNT 简易防撤回
Telegram anti-revoke plugin
翻译 - Telegram 反撤销插件
anti recall xposed module for telegram app
Anti Dingtalk Recall
Anti-recall plugin for QQbot in Nonebot2
这是基于KnifeHub - KonataPlugin的开源插件,功能是防止消息撤回。
🖼️ An open-source and decentralized alternative to Google Photos built on top of Blockstack
Recall school math!
PHP-based anti-virus anti-trojan anti-malware solution.
javascript anti-anti debugging
Single-threaded off-heap object store
Vmware Hardened VM detection mitigation loader (anti anti-vm)
An interactive way to peruse your git history from the terminal
This repository contains ROC and precision-recall curve animations
Advanced usermode anti-anti-debugger. Forked from
翻译 - 先进的用户模式反调试器
Resources About Anti-Virus and Anti-Anti-Virus, including 200+ tools and 1300+ posts
anti-GFW router
翻译 - 防GFW路由器
C# Project contains a plenty of Advanced Anti-Debugging, Anti-Virtualization, Anti Dll-Injection and Anti-Hooking Techniques.
tweak、 lldb python for anti anti debug