#Awesome#Tools and packages that are used for countering forensic activities, including encryption, steganography, and anything that modify attributes. This all includes tools to work with anything in general ...
for the louise
Fileless persistence, attacks and anti-forensic capabilties.
« usbkill » is an anti-forensic kill-switch that waits for a change on your USB ports and then immediately shuts down your computer.
翻译 - «usbkill»是一种取证杀伤开关,它等待USB端口的更改,然后立即关闭计算机。
A Repository to Track Anti-Forensic Techniques
Anti Forensics Tool For Red Teamers, Used For Erasing Footprints In The Post Exploitation Phase.
Windows anti-forensics USB monitoring tool.
ELF anti-forensics exec, for injecting full dynamic executables into process image (With thread injection)
A collection of anti-forensics scripts
Anti-forensic macOS tray application designed to safeguard your system by monitoring USB ports.
Collaborative forensic timeline analysis
Rekall Memory Forensic Framework
online pcap forensic
Incident Response Forensic Framework
Active Directory forensic framework
Dshell is a network forensic analysis framework.
翻译 - Dshell是网络取证分析框架。
Deprecated - MIG Memory Forensic library
PHP-based anti-virus anti-trojan anti-malware solution.
An open-source digital image forensic toolset
翻译 - 开源数字图像取证工具集
javascript anti-anti debugging
Copy-move image forgery detection library.
Rapidly Search and Hunt through Windows Forensic Artefacts
翻译 - 快速搜索和搜寻 Windows 事件日志
Vmware Hardened VM detection mitigation loader (anti anti-vm)
<< Silk Guardian >> is an anti-forensic kill-switch that waits for a change on your usb ports and then wipes your ram, deletes precious files, and turns off your computer.
Advanced usermode anti-anti-debugger. Forked from https://bitbucket.org/NtQuery/scyllahide
翻译 - 先进的用户模式反调试器