Translation of <Machine Learning Yearning> by Andrew NG
Coursera's Machine Learning by Andrew Ng
Coursera Machine Learning By Prof. Andrew Ng
Contains all course modules, exercises and notes of ML Specialization by Andrew Ng, Stanford Un. and in Coursera
Solutions to Andrew NG's machine learning course on Coursera
Implementations in python of methods and programming assignments of course Machine Learning of Coursera by Andrew Ng
A collection of notes and implementations of machine learning algorithms from Andrew Ng's machine learning specialization.
#计算机科学#Machine Learning Yearning 中文版 - 《机器学习训练秘籍》 - Andrew Ng 著
Python programming assignments for Machine Learning by Prof. Andrew Ng in Coursera
翻译 - Coursera的Andrew Ng教授为机器学习编写的Python编程作业
Korean translation of machine learning yearning book by Andrew Ng.
The offical notes of Andrew Ng Machine Learning in Stanford University
Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng,
Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng on Coursera.
Notes for Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Specialization course by DeepLearning.AI & Andrew Ng
Deep Learning Specialization courses by Andrew Ng,
Notes for Deep Learning Specialization Courses led by Andrew Ng.
(完结)Andrew NG Machine-Learning-Yearning translation documents(吴恩达《Machine Learning Yearning》中文翻译及英文原稿)
Python solutions to the problem sets of Stanford's graduate course on Machine Learning, taught by Prof. Andrew Ng
Andrew Ng machine learning homework(吴恩达机器学习作业代码)
Contains Solutions and Notes for the Machine Learning Specialization By Stanford University and - Coursera (2022) by Prof. Andrew NG
Python assignments for the machine learning class by andrew ng on coursera with complete submission for grading capability and re-written instructions.
翻译 - 在课程学习中,Andrew ng在机器学习课程中使用Python进行了作业,并提交了完整的评分功能和重新编写的说明。
#计算机科学#This is Andrew NG Coursera Handwritten Notes.
机器学习-Coursera-吴恩达- python+Matlab代码实现