his is a dark AMOLED theme so you can get the darkest discord possible
discord amoled dark theme snippet + some goodies
Very dark Discord theme, ideal for AMOLED displays.
A dark theme for the discord, compatible with Chrome/Edge, Opera, and Firefox editions. Colors are adjustable via the variables set on :root.
theme by Martino#2003 working on BetterDiscord
A simple dark theme for AMOLED devices using Vendetta Discord
This is a recreation of Discord Android's Dark Amoled theme for Better Discord. This isn't the exact same theme but kind of a similar and Enhanced Version. Neither as black as a black hole or White li...
A dark, rounded discord theme.
A dark Discord-inspired theme for Rocket.Chat.
An actual Dark/Nightmode Theme for Discord/BetterDiscord
翻译 - Disord / BetterDiscord的实际暗/夜模式主题
A Discord-like dark theme for the Proxmox Web UI.
Highly customized dark and purple theme for discord
Dark theme for i3+polybar, sway+waybar, rofi, GTK, spotify and Discord based on the Tokyo Night vscode theme
翻译 - 基于东京之夜 vscode 主题的 i3+polybar、sway+waybar、rofi、GTK、spotify 和 Discord 的深色主题
qBittorrent Dark theme
A clean, dark Discord theme that celebrates the lights of Downtown Tokyo at night.
🧛🏻♂️ Dark website for a dark theme
A dark theme for Typora inspired by VScode's One Dark Pro theme.
翻译 - VScode的One Dark Pro主题启发了Typora的黑暗主题。
slack theme, dark theme for slack, black theme slack black theme
翻译 - 松弛主题,松弛的深色主题,黑色主题松弛黑色主题
One Dark theme for JetBrains.
An actual dark mode for discord.
Atom One dark syntax theme
VSCode Theme based on Atom's One Dark theme