🌹 A ☁️ ready IDE just for TypeScript ❤️
翻译 - :rose:A:cloud:仅适用于TypeScript:heart的IDE:
A drop-in replacement for MPMoviePlayerController that exposes the UI elements and allows for maximum customization.
A Scala kernel for Jupyter
A minimal AMD API implementation for use after optimized builds
AMSF, a.k.a. Almace Scaffolding, a super-fast Jekyll framework fighting against the website obesity.
翻译 - AMSF,又名Almace脚手架,一种与网站肥胖症作斗争的超快速Jekyll框架。它支持LiveReload,Sass,HTML压缩,内联样式表等。
A dump repository of my dotfiles since the first time I learned ricing. So everything is really messy here.
Colin's ALM Corner Custom Build Tasks
HTTP Archive's annual "State of the Web" report made by the web community
翻译 - 网络社区制作的HTTP存档的年度“网络状况”报告
Almost Flat UI Theme for Foundation Framework
翻译 - 基础框架的几乎平面UI主题
ALM REST API Integration
Materials for the TOPology OPTimization course [ALM]
ASP.Net Core REST API providing PkHex & ALM functionality
Documentation, guides, templates, everything else in between for Application Lifecycle Management at ServiceNow.
a la mode: mode matching and beam propagation solutions for MATLAB
An excerpt of an ALM environment built on top of Vagrant, Libvirt and Ansible
Code for the paper "Improving Pedestrian Attribute Recognition With Weakly-Supervised Multi-Scale Attribute-Specific Localization", ICCV 2019, http://arxiv.org/abs/1910.04562.
Modified SysBot.NET client that allows to hunt most of the encounters in Pokémon LGPE, SwSh, BDSP. Thanks to ALM team and Kaphotics for the base program.