常用中国网站白名单,纯列表,用于 SwitchyOmega,控制不走代理的网站。
Automatically compile an AWS Service Control Policy that ONLY allows AWS services that are compliant with your preferred compliance frameworks.
Bootstrap an NFT minting site with Merkle tree allowlists.
Allowlist-based HTML cleaner
WAU daily updates apps as system and notify connected users. (Allowlist and Blocklist support)
Hubble's mainnet allowlist that maintains peerIDs allowed to connect to mainnet hubs
Programmatically delete AWS resources based on an allowlist and time to live (TTL) settings
翻译 - 开源应用程序可根据白名单和生存时间(TTL)设置以编程方式清理AWS资源
This is a RareSkills.io project to allowlist an unlimited number of addresses far more efficiently than ECDSA or Merkle Trees.
Browser extension that automatically blocks all pages from any website that is not in your list of allowed websites.
a list of disposable and temporary email address domains
翻译 - 一次性和临时电子邮件地址域列表