Informations and examples about A.I. Thinker ESP32-CAM using ESP-IDF
Ai-Thinker A9/A9G GPRS (with GPS(A9G)) module C development SDK
#大语言模型#Gen-AI Chat for Teams - Think ChatGPT if it had access to your team's unique knowledge.
安信可蓝牙模块 PB系列 SDK开源代码仓库
basic AiThinker Ra-08 ASR6601 SoC LoRaWAN Module 基于 ASR6601 安信可 Ra-08 LoRaWAN模组二次开发
Ai-Thinker AudioKit Board SDK - 安信可 esp32-a1s 音频模组开发板
Alternative firmware for AI-Thinker RGBW bulbs, based on the MQTT protocol and a TLS connection
Ai-Thinker A9 GPRS AT Module Related
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Scaleway photobooth project using the ESP32 cam (AI thinker)
Motion-based and periodic camera surveillance using ESP32 Cam on AI Thinker
Camera Webserver ESP32-CAM ESP32-WROVER-B AI-THINKER Board with LED control
AiLight is a custom firmware for the esp8266 based Ai-Thinker (or equivalent) RGBW WiFi light bulbs
Telink TLS825X 蓝牙芯片SDK
Telink 蓝牙芯片SIG Mesh SDK,可对接天猫精灵,小爱同学等
Arduino ADF/Audiokit HAL (support for ESP32-A1S, AI-Thinker, LyraT for ES7148, ES7210, ES7243, ES8311, ES8347, ES8388, TAS5805M, AC101 audio chips)