OpenAI + LINE + Vercel = GPT AI Assistant
Python AI assistant 🧠
A hackers AI voice assistant, built using Python and PyTorch.
翻译 - 使用Python和PyTorch构建的黑客AI语音助手。
#网络爬虫#Flexible Node.js AI-assisted crawler library
Effortless AI-assisted data labeling with AI support from YOLO, Segment Anything (SAM+SAM2), MobileSAM!!
Sharing early versions of Ada, a personal AI Assistant built on OpenAIs Realtime API
ChatDBG - AI-assisted debugging. Uses AI to answer 'why'
Aria is Your AI Research Assistant Powered by GPT Large Language Models
Python speech assist app
翻译 - Python语音助手应用
Benefit Assist
Chisel is a collection of LLDB commands to assist debugging iOS apps.
翻译 - Chisel是LLDB命令的集合,可帮助调试iOS应用。
Inkscape extension to assist creating circuit symbols.
C++ Overwatch aim assist tool and triggerbot!
网站无障碍工具条,这是一个针对于 有视障、听说障碍、读写障碍、肢体障碍,机体功能衰退的老年人群或残障人士开发的一个网站辅助js插件
IDA Pro plugin to assist with complex graphs
using OpenMV to assist in astrophotography
Symfony Bundle to assist in image manipulation using the imagine library
翻译 - Symfony Bundle可以帮助您使用想象库进行想象操纵
Assist reverse tcp shells in post-exploration tasks
Fuzzing Payloads to Assist in Web Application Testing.
utilities to assist running periodic batch processing jobs
Implementing Lane Keeping Assist (LKA) on CARLA simulator
Utilities to assist with testing
Components to assist MQ JMS integration with Spring frameworks
DLL and PowerShell script to assist with finding DLL hijacks