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AdobeGenp Adobe Adobe CC 2019/2020(2021/2022/2023/2024/2025TEST) GenP Universal Patch
WebM plug-ins for Adobe programs
Adobe CC 2019/2020/2021/2022/2023 GenP Universal Patch 3.0
Adobe central hub for open source
翻译 - Adobe Central开源中心
Adobe Illustrator scripts
Some useful Adobe Illustrator scripts
Script that allows to download portable installers of different versions Adobe software for macOS
翻译 - 允许下载适用于 macOS 的不同版本 Adobe 软件的便携式安装程序的脚本
Adobe 开源的一款HTML/CSS/JavaScript 前端WEB IDE
Adobe Photoshop Design Space
Adobe Source Libraries
Decompiler for Macromedia Shockwave/Macromedia Director/Adobe Shockwave/Adobe Director
Adobe AEM
Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType
Adobe XD Plugin API samples
Scripts for Adobe Photoshop
SVG Optimizer for Adobe Illustrator
Generate colors based on a desired contrast ratio
翻译 - 根据所需的对比度生成颜色
JavaScript scripts for Adobe Illustrator CSx.
Ogg plug-ins for Adobe programs