Declare job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends
翻译 - 声明可以由各种排队后端运行的作业类
Fast and distributed workflow runner using ActiveJob and Redis
翻译 - 使用ActiveJob和Redis的快速分布式工作流运行程序
#Web框架#一款严格遵守MVC设计模式的Ruby Web框架。设计原则包括“不做重复的事”和“惯例优于设置”
Unique jobs for ActiveJob. Ensure the uniqueness of jobs in the queue.
Simple, efficient worker queue for Ruby & PostgreSQL.
翻译 - 简单,高效的Ruby和PostgreSQL工作队列。
Rate limiting/job enabling for ActiveJob using distributed locks in Redis or Memcached.
Offload CarrierWave's image processing and storage to a background process using ActiveJob or Sidekiq..
翻译 - 使用延迟作业,Resque,Sidekiq,Qu,Queue Classic或Girl Friday将CarrierWave的图像处理和存储卸载到后台进程。
Provides asynchronous event publishing to Wisper using ActiveJob
RSpec matchers for testing ActiveJob
Resque Scheduling for ActiveJob
Wrapper around rufus-scheduler to run recurring ActiveJob jobs