本课程基于GitHub Skills进行二次创造和翻译, 适用于所有初学者和老手 。如果您是第一次接触GitHub,建议先阅读《什么是GitHub,它有什么用?》
一小时快速入门 GitHub
学会使用Markdown表达你的idea以及协作沟通。Markdown 是一种轻量级的文本标记语言
使用 GitHub Pages 创建一个基于GitHub仓库的网站或博客
[待翻译] Practice a release-based workflow and explore branching strategies.
[待翻译] Find relevant conversations, commits, and projects in a repository.
[待翻译] 使用GitHub云开发环境进行开发
[待翻译] 使用 GitHub Copilot 进行程序开发,提供AI代码补全功能
学习如何创建并应用 GitHub Action 工作流
[待翻译] Create workflows that enable you to use Continuous Integration (CI) for your projects.
[待翻译] Use GitHub Actions to publish your project to a Docker image.
[待翻译] Create a deployment workflow using GitHub Actions and Microsoft Azure.
[待翻译] Write your own GitHub JavaScript Action.
[待翻译] Make a workflow reusable in other workflows.
[待翻译] Secure your supply chain, patch dependency vulnerabilities.
[待翻译] Learn about software security in a fun, educational environment.
GitHub 用户文档